Cherry Garland


This handcrafted eco-friendly product is made by Afghan women refugees in New Delhi using apparel scraps from mass clothing manufacturers. The proceeds from this product supports sustainable income and social development of the SilaiWali artisans.

Material: Cotton/Ryon fabric

Dimensions: L 91 cm (8 cm loop on either sides)

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Silaiwai’s Mission:

Environment: Silaiwali is located in New Delhi NCR ­— the National Capital Region is the biggest hub for garment manufacturing in India. Textile waste generated by the fast-fashion industry is the second largest pollutant after vehicular emission in the cities. Abiding by the principles of fair trade, Silaiwali augments circular production by up-cycling textile scraps and dead stock from the garment-manufacturing industry to create hi-fidelity home décor products sold all across the globe.

Solidarity: New Delhi is a transit home for Afghan refugees fleeing from the excesses and instability in their home country with the intention to settle down in developed countries that accept foreign immigrations. Silaiwali works with Afghan women refugees based in New Delhi under the guidance of UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) mandated livelihood programme for refugees. Silaiwali currently generates sustainable incomes for between 60-70 women refugees, adhering to the principles of fair wages, a clean working environment within walking distance from the homes of the refugees, and observes a zero-tolerance policy toward engaging children for labour.

For more about Silaiwali, visit